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Your Story

"Until you tell your story, you cannot write the brave new ending." B.Brown

journey on jan 19-21.webp


Release the awesomeness in the people that you care for. And understand yourself better. 


Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence

Emotions are important for living. They influence our behavior and our values. Learn how to listen to them.


Living From
Your Values

Values are the forces that shape our relationships. Understand how they direct your life. 

Portrait with Hands Clasped

Nervous System Repair

Learn how to repair and regulate your NS for better health and relationships.

Upcoming One Day Workshops

We reschedule our events each summer

  • Feb 22, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
    Moberly, 503 W Reed St, Moberly, MO 65270, USA
    Trauma is "too much, too fast, too little for too long" which overwhelms our nervous system's ability to cope and realign. This often causes emotional reactivity and a disconnection from our body's cues. Learn how to repair and regulate your NS for better health and relationships.
  • Apr 05, 2025, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
    Moberly, 503 West Reed Moberly, MO
    Transform Your Story is a chance to dive deeper into your personal story. You will write an event from your life and then share it with a respectful small group. The act of sharing our stories and our pain being witnessed is unburdening. We will have a teaching about how this heals our hearts.

If you are interested in hosting an event at your Church or organization, please contact us. The Grace Encounter workshops are for building up the Body of Christ. 

Transform Your Story

Have you ever heard or asked “Where was God when?" The Bible shows us it’s okay to ask questions, especially when confusing, hurtful, or traumatic events happen. Yet how do we connect the God Who Sees us to our stories of pain? Transform Your Story workshop is an opportunity to do that. Each of us has so much to unpack and examine in our lives, yet we so rarely give ourselves the space, dignity, and honor of writing our story and having it heard.  Stories shared unburden our souls. Pain witnessed compassionately by others heals. Many of us have unpacked part of our life's history, but likely there is more. Come and walk with others through this sacred ground of the stories of our lives.

  • Learn how to unpack, process, and grieve your story

  • Find some new meaning in the paths we’ve walked

  • Biblically-based model using how God designed our hearts to incline toward Him

  • Prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit to center and ground each person’s story

  • Intimate small groups invite compassion to hold one another’s story 

  • Facilitators trained in story work to guide and coach


What happens during the workshop? We dive in with an introductory teaching, then using the Holy Spirit’s guidance we write a 600-900 word story from our lives that needs to be told. After reading and processing the stories in small groups, we finish with dinner at a local restaurant (optional). Typically allow 9am - 5pm for the workshop.  Lunch is included.

Transform Your Story is designed to be done in partnership with the local church in the context of community. The church congregation as the Body of Christ provides a powerful healing force when we learn how to hold one another’s stories with careful compassion. This workshop will teach church teams, groups, members, and leaders how to listen and walk with one another, to hold and heal one another’s stories. 


Understanding Personalities

Why does the Body of Christ suffer with division? Paul compares the church to the human body in 1 Corinthians 12 giving us a picture of completeness, but how does it work in practicality when we are all created so very differently? Understanding Personalities workshop is an essential tool to reveal how our personalities affect the way we see the world and how we tend to behave. We’ll experience many “AHA!” moments in this workshop. We’ll see the everyday challenges of getting along with co-workers, bosses, friends, and relatives with new eyes. Come and gain insights essential for marriage, work, parenting, and life. Bring your spouse and find out how your personalities mesh and conflict. Use these insights to accept church members, leaders, and teams. See how God created all of us uniquely and as His image bearers.


  • Practical tools designed to facilitate unity in the Body of Christ

  • Powerful group exercises demonstrate how different personalities filter the world

  • Acceptance and grace flow as a result of appreciating God’s created differences

  • Skilled personality and relationship facilitators will instruct, guide, and coach

Understanding Personalities is designed to be implemented in the context of community, in partnership with the local church. God has truly designed each of us uniquely and these differences create equally unique challenges within the Body. Members of the Body can operate from a place of wisdom regarding how personality affects the way we behave and see the world. Leaders, groups, and teams can more easily facilitate from a place of grace and unity when we learn to see and appreciate the differences in one another. 


Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence

What does the Bible have to say about emotions? Biblical language about emotions is summed up in the word heart, and God has lots to say about our hearts!  We hear about guarding our hearts. We ask God to search our hearts. We are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Luke tells us that a good person produces good treasures out of their heart. Because the Bible mentions the word heart so often, we can believe this is an important subject to Him. Translating what the Biblical authors meant into modern language, the heart is that spiritual part of us where our emotions and desires dwell. Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence workshop focuses on deepening our emotional intelligence as a way to deepen our relationship with God since He loves to meet us in our emotions. Emotions are not a curse but a gift from God and a part of His image created in us for a reason. The stories in the Bible show how God met each person emotionally and brought forth change. Take as examples: Hannah crying out for a child; Gideon hiding in his fear; and Jesus joining Mary and Martha in their grief. Come and learn more about our emotional life, its messages, its needs, and allow God to meet and transform us there.


  • Biblical pathway to dive deep into the workings of our hearts

  • Emotional intelligence = heart language

  • Group activities and discussions

  • Learn how to work with our emotional lives and incline our hearts towards God

  • Counter misplaced, un-Biblical ideas about emotions 

  • Learn how we can increase our emotional passion for God

  • Facilitators skilled in emotional intelligence will instruct, guide, and coach

Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence is designed to provide church leaders, members, groups, and teams with a Biblical lens for understanding emotions. Within the church community, this workshop gives language to a deeper understanding of how God meets us in and through our emotions. Passion and insight into the heart of God will be stirred as congregations ponders together the thought-provoking discussions in this workshop.

Living From Your Values

What are values? Values are the deepest beliefs, purpose, and meaning of our lives. The contemplation of values is one of the highest endeavors we can pursue. Articulating our values can help us put life in order, helping us make our long-term decisions and small, day-to-day, moment-to-moment actions. The Christian with well-ordered values has a Biblical map of their world. They know where they are going and are constantly making progress, adjusting their course. They feel peace and calm as well as exhilaration and challenge. Values-based living is a future orientation that fills each moment with hope and purpose. Living From Your Values workshop will challenge us to apply what God says about how we are to live out His purpose for us. 

  • Be energized with new hope and purpose

  • Reconnect with our values

  • Pray and listen to God as He speaks about His purpose for us

  • Group activities and discussions

  • Find out how value categories help us live out our values more fully

  • Skilled facilitators in living from values will instruct, guide, and coach

Living From Your Values workshop is a perfect way for leaders, teams, groups, and church congregations to gather and learn how, when God’s values infuse our lives, we live with a deep sense of meaning and purpose. The workshop is designed to be implemented in partnership with churches so that as a whole, and as individuals operating within that larger community, we can learn how living from values is a powerful, hopeful way of life.

Nervous System Repair

Trauma is "too much, too fast, too little for too long" which overwhelms our nervous system's ability to cope and realign. This often causes emotional reactivity and a disconnection from our body's cues. Do you know what your body needs or do you ignore it and push through? Does your body feel like it is constantly "bracing" for what's next and unable to find true rest? Are you more reactive than responsive? Constant guardedness, busyness, and dissociation exhaust the nervous system. Come learn how to reconnect your body with your brain, establish the ability to regulate your nervous system, and build the capacity to trust yourself. Nervous System Repair workshop will teach you exercises to use for regulation in order to create a larger window of tolerance to handle the stressors in life. 

  • Understand your nervous system

  • Learn to listen to your body's wisdom

  • Regulation exercises

  • Find out how to value yourself as God does

  • Skilled facilitators will instruct, guide, and coach

Nervous System Repair workshop is a way for leaders, teams, groups, and church congregations to understand and learn how to create safe places for people with dysregulated nervous systems due to traumatic events and chronic stress, The workshop is designed to be implemented in partnership with churches so that as a whole, and as individuals operating within that larger community, we can learn how to take responsibility for our nervous systems and bring grace and compassion to the gentle and slow process of healing.

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